SFR access

The straightforward way of accessing memory-mapped Special Function Registers (SFR) is by casting the register address to a pointer.

#define sfr(addr) (*(volatile uint8_t*)(addr))
#define SOME_REG sfr(0x81)

void c_way()
    SOME_REG = 0x11;

We can also do the same in C++, potentially gaining more type safety and avoiding the standard macro pitfalls. Annoyingly, because constexpr doesn’t allow reinterpret_cast, the usage requires the function call parenthesis, making it arguably uglier.

using Sfr8  = volatile uint8_t &;

constexpr Sfr8 sfr8(uint16_t addr)
    return *reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(addr);

constexpr auto someReg() -> Sfr8 { return sfr8(0x81); }

void cpp_way()
    someReg() = 0x11;

Both produce the same assembly output.

        ldi r24,lo8(17)
        sts 129,r24
        ldi r24,lo8(17)
        sts 129,r24

Still, both ways are perfectly good for reading and writing whole registers. Most times, however, we need to access only a single bit, making the code slightly less readable and slightly more error-prone. The whole thing gets even more complicated if we need to access an integer that’s only a few bits wide in the middle of the SFR. Now we’re really asking for simple mistakes, and often end up using macros for these cases.

    someReg() |= (1 << 2);
    someReg() &= ~(1 << 2);
    assert((someReg() & (1 << 2)) == 0);

    // tinyInt on bits 5-3 of someReg
    // | . . X X  X . . . | 
    //   7     4  3     0 
    constexpr int tinyIntLsb = 3;
    constexpr uint8_t tinyIntMask = 0b111 << tinyIntLsb;

    // Write 5 to tinyInt
    constexpr uint8_t tinyValueToWrite = 5;
    someReg() &= (~tinyIntMask);
    someReg() |= (tinyValueToWrite << tinyIntLsb);

Let’s write some utilities to make this more readable and easier to maintain. As usual, we can do that in multiple ways, with some tradeoffs in each case. I wanted the utility to work with SFR addresses determined both at compile-time and at run-time.

We can start by creating a struct template with the location of the bit/bits as template arguments. We’ll store the SFR address in a member variable. Let’s also add a utility for generating a mask for the bits, which will become useful for fields wider than one bit.

template <uint8_t lsb, uint8_t width = 1> struct RegBits
    constexpr explicit RegBits(uint16_t addr_) : addr(addr_) {}

    [[nodiscard]] static constexpr uint8_t mask()
        uint8_t m = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
            m |= static_cast<uint8_t>(1 << (lsb + i));
        return m;

    const uint16_t addr;

With the above ready, we can add functions for reading and writing the bits. They’re implemented as assignment and cast operators, to make their usage more natural.

    void operator=(uint8_t value) const
        if constexpr (width == 1) {
            auto r = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(addr);
            if (value != 0) {
                *r |= static_cast<uint8_t>(1 << lsb);
            } else {
                *r &= static_cast<uint8_t>(~(1 << lsb));
        } else {
            auto r = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(addr);
            *r     = static_cast<uint8_t>((*r & ~mask()) | (value << lsb));

    operator int() const
        auto r = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(addr);
        return (*r & mask()) >> lsb;

Now their usage has become very readable and straightforward, and the code still allows the compiler to optimize it pretty well.

constexpr auto TCCR1B()
    struct Bits : SfrBase {
        RegBits<7> ICNC {regAddr};
        RegBits<6> ICES {regAddr};
        RegBits<3, 2> WGM32 {regAddr};
        RegBits<0, 3> CS {regAddr};

    return Bits {0x81};
void func()
    TCCR1B().ICES = 1;
    TCCR1B().WGM32 = 2;

        ldi r30,lo8(-127)
        ldi r31,0
        ld r24,Z
        ori r24,lo8(64)
        st Z,r24
        ld r24,Z
        andi r24,lo8(-25)
        ori r24,lo8(16)
        st Z,r24

The above experiments can be found on Compiler Explorer:

Unit testing

Using these utilities provides us with an interesting possibility. By swapping them for a UT version of the same functions and structures, we can make them read/write a known memory block, accessible from the unit test.

extern uint8_t mock_mem[1024];


Sfr8 sfr8(uint16_t addr)
    return *(mock_mem + addr);

// ...

void operator=(uint8_t value) const
    if constexpr (width == 1) {
        auto r = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(mock_mem + addr);
        if (value != 0) {
            *r |= static_cast<uint8_t>(1 << lsb);
        } else {
            *r &= static_cast<uint8_t>(~(1 << lsb));
    } else {
        auto r = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(mock_mem + addr);
        *r     = static_cast<uint8_t>((*r & ~mask()) | (value << lsb));

operator int() const
    auto r = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint8_t *>(mock_mem + addr);
    return (*r & mask()) >> lsb;

In the unit test, we define the mock_mem block, remembering to zero it in every test. The test cases can run code that reads/writes the SFRs, and verify the result. Admittedly, this only allows for testing simple reads/writes, and doesn’t account for any actual side effects of using the SFRs. Still, it’s basically free, and I found it very useful for verifying code that encapsulates access to the components on a microcontroller.

uint8_t mock_mem[1024] = {0};

auto memAt(uint16_t addr) -> int
    return static_cast<int>(mock_mem[addr]);

    // class AvrTimer8 uses sfr8() and RegBits<> 
    // to access the timer registers
    AvrTimer8 t0(t0cfg);
    memset(mock_mem, 0, sizeof(mock_mem));
    constexpr auto cfg = AvrTimer8::CTCMode::configure(F_CPU, 4000);

    CHECK(memAt(Timer8Regs::TCCR0A) == 0x02);
    CHECK(memAt(Timer8Regs::TCCR0B) == 0x02);
    CHECK(memAt(Timer8Regs::OCR0A) == 0xf9);
    CHECK(memAt(Timer8Regs::OCR0B) == 0x00);
    CHECK(memAt(Timer8Regs::TIMSK0) == 0x00);

Full example of the above unit test code can be found on GitHub.

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